Thursday, March 3, 2011

I was at art club when...

I thought of sociology! Today Tegan, who graduated last year, surprised us with a visit and brought along her niece Riley and nephew Gavin (who are really cutee!). Riley and Gavin are twins, and they have a special way of communicating. I remembered seeing them talk to each other while they were playing once at Tegan's house. I couldn't understand anything they were saying, but Tegan explained to me that their way of talking made perfect sense to them. I don't know why, but I guess twin babies sometimes have their own way of understanding each other even when everyone else can't. Anyway, it's pretty cool to always have someone who will understand you. Riley and Gavin's language reminded me of the simulation we did in class where we all had to find ways to communicate with each other while following our culture's rules. Riley and Gavin had their own rules about how to communicate, and like the Hokies' rules in the simulation in class, they remain a mystery to me!

1 comment:

  1. Just wait until we discuss language and symbols in class on Monday....there's a whole hidden language out there in the US that people don't even realize exists!
