Thursday, January 27, 2011

What would Comte say?

After looking more into the sociologists we talked about in class, I think Auguste Comte would approve of the court system in the U.S., especially the "innocent until proven guilty" concept. Comte lived during the period after the French revolution when science was beginning to replace religion as the authority on what was true or false. He believed in an empirical method of gaining knowledge with evidence through observation and experience. He is credited with creating the concept of positivism, the idea that using the scientific method is the best approach to explaining events. Because both the judge and jury in court focus on making an educated decision after examining the evidence presented by each side, I think Comte would be mostly pleased with the foundation of the court system.

1 comment:

  1. Why would Comte approve of our criminal justice system? Explain your connection a bit further....I see where you might be heading though..... :)
